среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

college talent search

" Everything you feel is just as real as anything
It donapos;t mean itapos;s true but it means I believe in you"

Iapos;m back in Pisaq. I got stuck on Lake Titicaca for 3 days. Pontwam and I met up in Puno after I left Copacabana. Now that Iapos;m back at a home base Iapos;m ready to start working some. When I was off I realized that I want to build an online social network of permaculture or permaculturally oriented groups or peoples. So that what Iapos;m doing. Iapos;m learning how to build a website and then Iapos;m going to put it on the internet. My projection is that itapos;ll take a few weeks.

The idea is to network between groups so that over time , people may travel through North or South America without any environmental impact, or maybe without having to spend hardly any money. A dream would be to have homes not more than a day or 2 by bicycle away from each other. Also, to establish trade between the different bioregions so that an economy and flow of ideas and goods so that (bio-)diversity social awareness may spread easily. I see some problems with this idea, like some bioregions becoming more powerful or power hungry than others though I think itapos;s far enough that to worry about it now isnapos;t practical. Maybe they would realize the importance of equal flow and not be inclined to dominate one another.

Then again, short term thinking isnapos;t really such a great idea.

There is so much conditioning coming undone, itapos;s very freeing. Itapos;s amazing to watch how the whole universe unfolds itself once you unfold yourself. A vision from one of the ayahuasca ceremonies is becoming less devastatingly beautiful and more practical and enlightening. The scare is turning into a door, a portal to another dimension. In resting into the unknown and holding the light, I find a guide to the Truth.

Pictures are on Facebook. Lake Titicaca was amazing. I tried huachuma there for the first time and was pleasantly suprised. Last night, we as a group practiced yoga in the full moon. Hippies.
college talent search, college tall woman, college tamaki.

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