суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

chicago holocaust museum

Slept a restful night last night. Many hours under my belt. I relaxed the morning away. Natasha came home and we headed over to Bellevue to the Minor and James office over there. We got there early. My ear has been full all morning.

I was beginning to get dizzy as we went in to the clinic. Waited some more. Then a girl came out and said my name. Off I go. She is a new nurse with the name of Angel. I figured I was in good hands. Then I met the good nurse Barbara. We talked for some time. Then I headed over to see the good Dr. Claire. Her son is getting married in Dingle in April next year. We talked some more and then on with the hearing test. My hearing was great today.

Back to the other room with Barbara. We chatted some more. Then in walked the good doctor Constantine. We talked for a while. They got me ready for the ear shot. It is a go. I lay there as he numbs my inner ear a wee bit to take the sting out of the injection. In goes the needle, it felt a wee uncomfortable at the most. A slight sting of pain. He said he would be back in 15 minutes to check on me. They turned off the lights and left. Barbara came back during the time. We talked some more. She will party with about 75 members of her family at any one time. All the holidays and the like. Well they are Greeks and they do it big I suppose. I learn a lot about her but too much to go into here. The doctor comes back in after 17 minutes and gives me another injection in the ear. Didnapos;t hurt as much this time. He tells me I will experience the dizzy type of imbalance in about 3 days or so. I am told to lie there for 20 minutes more. Barbara comes back in for the chat again. After another chat she gets me a cotton ball to pack in my ear and tells me to sit up. I feel kind of ok enough. She tells me I can sit here as long as I want and kept asking me if I was dizzy. I told her I think I am ok to ride my motorcycle back home. She seemed shocked that I rode my motorcycle over for the ear shot. She booked me an appointment in two weeks for a follow up.

I stagger out to the good woman who sat patiently waiting for me for over two hours. Well she read the Time magazine from cover to cover a few times. We take the elevator down to the parking and off home we go.

Eat lunch and then we decide to go for a walk. Barbara calls me as we are walking to see if I got home safe on my motorcycle as another nurse saw me stagger out of the building. I told her I was walking and doing great. We walk for 50 minutes. It was a warm sunny day. Then we go up to QFC to get a few provisions and rent the dollar DVD. We get "88 Minutes".

Realta comes back from school. Barbara calls again with a new appointment time for me. We talk some more. Then I drop Realta down to work. Then I cook my dinner. I eat a pile of food again. Well a pile of veggies.

We put on the movie.
p.jpg picture by KingDonal
I liked it.

Now maybe a trip to bed as I am tired and may go on a hike tomorrow before the imbalance sets in. We will try and take in some Fall colors.
chicago holocaust museum.

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