воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So retired General Colin Powell has endorsed Obama for President.

A lot of Obama supporters are cheering this news, but Iapos;m of mixed mind on it.

I still remember Powellapos;s part in lying to the American Congress and public to set up the invasion of Iraq. When he went before Congress to make his case, I remember cheering him on. To me, this was a man of vast integrity, and if he said it, it must be true.

Nope. Just another Bush enabler. Sure, there were reports later that he threw the prepared piece down and refused to read it, citing it as "bullshit." He did, however, present it to congress.

I will say that it took some courage for him to endorse Obama. Heapos;s going to be thrown under the bus by every Repub that for years has viewed him as the friendly house negro. It would have taken more courage, though, to stand up to a corrupt administration before they were already doomed to fail.
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It fucking pours
This past months has been hell. Fortunatly as far as I am aware none of my friend use live journal. Theyapos;re all too cool for it. Anyway. The past month I have been throwing up near 7x�daily, I had an abortion the 14th of October. So on top of dealing with the emotions I�thought I would never have. I�havenapos;t been able to attend school because I�have been so sick. Iapos;ve been getting behind on assignments and such, so naturally Iapos;m failing. The big problem with this is the fact that I need these courses to get into University. So basically Iapos;m throwing that away because of the fucking mistake that was made.
My manager is on my ass all the time saying I havenapos;t been pulling my weight around the store. Hello do you want me puking on your floor. You knew I was sick, and you knew I would not be coming in for as many shifts until it was all dealt with. They have been telling me lately to come in during my classes. Iapos;m not paying that kind of money to work during my classes. Fuck off.

Iapos;m so sick of this world.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Today...was a pretty wild day...and it totally came out of left field.

it started off with all of us (me,joe,marty and danielle) going to Buffalo Rock out in ottowa. We went to go shoot and stuff that was really fun i took my pistol grip shotgun, M1 Garand and .22 rifle (which was the smallest) and joe took two rifles and two handguns...marty took a shit load of other things

so we are having one hell of a day shooting off everything we possibly could.lol the only gun that hurts to shoot was my grandfathers shotgun and thats cause it has such a short barrel the kick on that thing is ridiculous it hurts your wrist.lol then after a few hours of that we start the drive home

next thing you know marty is like HEY lets go to a strip club...im like..uhhhh..what? so he pulls in...i guess this strip cl;ub is like a local club so they never card and we go in and stay there for a couple hours. Joe got a lap dance and i got boobs in my face and one of the strippers outright asked me if she could grab my cock.....

that was interesrting.lmao
Oh and it turns out its a full contact bar so thats why she did it.lmao and that explains why some of the guys there were just feeling up the strippers...anyway....it was a rather hilarious day..

wasnt expecting it...nothing was planned...now i got to go to work.lmao
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Oh love, I was just having some blind fun.

Not noticing the warning signs (again).

Yes, love, I never want to lose you

But I just want to forget all the pain.

I wanted to make it feel okay,

and by getting you back I thought

that all the bad thoughts would smooth away.

But they never did.

I never hated you-

but I did want to hurt you.

I know you wanted to hurt me too,

youapos;d flat out say it to my face.

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Slept a restful night last night. Many hours under my belt. I relaxed the morning away. Natasha came home and we headed over to Bellevue to the Minor and James office over there. We got there early. My ear has been full all morning.

I was beginning to get dizzy as we went in to the clinic. Waited some more. Then a girl came out and said my name. Off I go. She is a new nurse with the name of Angel. I figured I was in good hands. Then I met the good nurse Barbara. We talked for some time. Then I headed over to see the good Dr. Claire. Her son is getting married in Dingle in April next year. We talked some more and then on with the hearing test. My hearing was great today.

Back to the other room with Barbara. We chatted some more. Then in walked the good doctor Constantine. We talked for a while. They got me ready for the ear shot. It is a go. I lay there as he numbs my inner ear a wee bit to take the sting out of the injection. In goes the needle, it felt a wee uncomfortable at the most. A slight sting of pain. He said he would be back in 15 minutes to check on me. They turned off the lights and left. Barbara came back during the time. We talked some more. She will party with about 75 members of her family at any one time. All the holidays and the like. Well they are Greeks and they do it big I suppose. I learn a lot about her but too much to go into here. The doctor comes back in after 17 minutes and gives me another injection in the ear. Didnapos;t hurt as much this time. He tells me I will experience the dizzy type of imbalance in about 3 days or so. I am told to lie there for 20 minutes more. Barbara comes back in for the chat again. After another chat she gets me a cotton ball to pack in my ear and tells me to sit up. I feel kind of ok enough. She tells me I can sit here as long as I want and kept asking me if I was dizzy. I told her I think I am ok to ride my motorcycle back home. She seemed shocked that I rode my motorcycle over for the ear shot. She booked me an appointment in two weeks for a follow up.

I stagger out to the good woman who sat patiently waiting for me for over two hours. Well she read the Time magazine from cover to cover a few times. We take the elevator down to the parking and off home we go.

Eat lunch and then we decide to go for a walk. Barbara calls me as we are walking to see if I got home safe on my motorcycle as another nurse saw me stagger out of the building. I told her I was walking and doing great. We walk for 50 minutes. It was a warm sunny day. Then we go up to QFC to get a few provisions and rent the dollar DVD. We get "88 Minutes".

Realta comes back from school. Barbara calls again with a new appointment time for me. We talk some more. Then I drop Realta down to work. Then I cook my dinner. I eat a pile of food again. Well a pile of veggies.

We put on the movie.
p.jpg picture by KingDonal
I liked it.

Now maybe a trip to bed as I am tired and may go on a hike tomorrow before the imbalance sets in. We will try and take in some Fall colors.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I'm writing this as a response to the anti-American sentiment rising around the world in the past several years. I made many American friends during my 8 years vacation in the US, they are of diverse ethnicities and from different backgrounds, most of them are open minded, intelligent and compassionate. What I admire most in them is how critical they are of their own country and how sympathetic they are with people from the Third World. Sometimes I ended up defending the American Empire against my American friends. As I often said, what the US is doing in the world today, even including Iraq, is actually less cruel and exploitative than what the European countries did in the colonial era, or the Ottoman Empire or the Roman Empire further back in the history. Yes there is discrimination and inequality in the US, but there is a reason many people would still migrate to the US: other governments can be even more repressive and unfair towards their own citizens than the US towards the immigrants

My friends often feel ashamed of having G.W.Bush as their president, who is indeed one of the worst leaders in the world's history. But it's not their fault. They have participated in the protests against Bush and they voiced their dissent in many public media. Actually it's quite impressive that half of the Americans didn't vote for Bush in 2004. I don't think many countries would behave better in the same situation.

Many Europeans have a sense of moral superiority and a contempt for American public. But Europe, when it had power, didn't hesitate to drag the world into WWI and WWII. Even today, nationalism and racism are still pervasive in many EU countries, so I see no evidence that the Europeans are generally more enlightened than Americans. In other areas, from the Middle East to Asia, anti-American sentiment are often used by authoritarian governments to fuel nationalism and make America the scapegoat of their internal problems. Again, I see no evidence that people in these areas embrace progressive values more than Americans.

There are many people in the US, represented by Bush, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh etc, who replace patriotism with nationalism, replace moral values with religious fundamentalism, and replace egalitarianism with anti-intellectualism. They are disgusting and dangerous. But such people exist in every country. The sad thing is such people are calling my friends, who are striving to improve America, un-American and un-patriotic. I hope my friends will fight back, and take back the power to define American-ness. For me, my friends are the true Americans. And their values, from peace to justice to environmentalism, are what makes America great. And I hope the International community would see that anti-Americanism is not constructive, instead, we all would benefit if we help the liberals in the US to make the country better.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

copyright 2004

One of the major things that has obviously taken a nose dive with my PC and lap top needing repairs is Iapos;m not on the dating websites as much as I use to be. Nobody is looking at my profile or sending me any messages(not that they ever really did hehehe.)

Is this a bad thing though? Other than making one friend and getting laid a few times what use are the dating sites anyway? Iapos;m fairly certain Iapos;ve looked at all the local profiles and either dismissed or have been dismissed by the majority of them. Not much chance of just finding more friends, really itapos;s just the comedic value of some peoples profiles that keeps me coming back....that and a faint glimmer of hope.



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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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" Everything you feel is just as real as anything
It donapos;t mean itapos;s true but it means I believe in you"

Iapos;m back in Pisaq. I got stuck on Lake Titicaca for 3 days. Pontwam and I met up in Puno after I left Copacabana. Now that Iapos;m back at a home base Iapos;m ready to start working some. When I was off I realized that I want to build an online social network of permaculture or permaculturally oriented groups or peoples. So that what Iapos;m doing. Iapos;m learning how to build a website and then Iapos;m going to put it on the internet. My projection is that itapos;ll take a few weeks.

The idea is to network between groups so that over time , people may travel through North or South America without any environmental impact, or maybe without having to spend hardly any money. A dream would be to have homes not more than a day or 2 by bicycle away from each other. Also, to establish trade between the different bioregions so that an economy and flow of ideas and goods so that (bio-)diversity social awareness may spread easily. I see some problems with this idea, like some bioregions becoming more powerful or power hungry than others though I think itapos;s far enough that to worry about it now isnapos;t practical. Maybe they would realize the importance of equal flow and not be inclined to dominate one another.

Then again, short term thinking isnapos;t really such a great idea.

There is so much conditioning coming undone, itapos;s very freeing. Itapos;s amazing to watch how the whole universe unfolds itself once you unfold yourself. A vision from one of the ayahuasca ceremonies is becoming less devastatingly beautiful and more practical and enlightening. The scare is turning into a door, a portal to another dimension. In resting into the unknown and holding the light, I find a guide to the Truth.

Pictures are on Facebook. Lake Titicaca was amazing. I tried huachuma there for the first time and was pleasantly suprised. Last night, we as a group practiced yoga in the full moon. Hippies.
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cahrons river

OMG. COUNCILS LISTING IS SO SCREWED ITS FUNNY. Lalala. At the rate we are going, half the schoolapos;s gonna be councillors :D

Bio debate seemed quite bad for me. For some crap reason, all of us were not sure of what the others were doing. Damn. Sucked. Chem got released early LOL. Aiyah today was a plain boring day ( I did IR though) till something happened. FOR SOME REASON, Bernard did not tell me that he was running for council. Then he went to talk so much crap about Council and Michael in it and put himself in a position so high above Michaelapos;s. THEN BOOM. BOMB CAME. He ran for council and both he and Michael got in. LIKE WTF? Talk so much crap. I DO NO LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE LIE TO ME. AND GOSH.� BOYS ARE EITHER LIERS OR SUCKERS.

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